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Historically, at Children’s Health initiatives involving patient transition to adult care have been focused on the clinics which are ranked in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Children’s Hospitals. Other clinics had no process for transition and were unaware of available resources.
A subgroup from the Ambulatory Clinical Practice Council identified the need for a standardized framework and EPIC documentation that every clinic could utilize.
The Office of Patient Transition (OPT) was onboard with revamping the current program and allowing nurses to drive the changes. A knowledge assessment was performed with nurses in 2022. The results proved that nursing was unaware of currently resources, did not know where to document transition, and had no uniform way to transition. The subgroup of nurses then collaborated with OPT to develop a quality improvement process standardizing patient transition.
This teamwork included modifying the computer based training (CBT) modules which are taken by the entire outpatient staff, including medical staff, upon hire. Modifying a letter which is given to the patient at the beginning of their transition journey, developing a customizable process framework to be used across the ambulatory system, and creating standardized EPIC documentation are among the many modification which have been developed or are in the works.
In August 2024, the first phase of the enhanced patient transition process rolled out with streamlined EPIC documentation allowing any staff member to easily locate what stage of the transition process the patient is currently in.
By the end of 2024, the CBT and core process framework will be finalized. All staff who are part of the transition process will complete the CBT. The pediatric-to-adult transition at Children’s Health will be standardized across ambulatory with documentation being efficiently located.
Publication Date
Transition to Adult Care
Pediatric Nursing
Recommended Citation
Vecchio, Virginia and Fuller, Monica, "Standardization of Adult Transition Across Ambulatory" (2024). 2024. 15.
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