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Collaboration and communication between residency facilitators and residency coordinators is imperative to overall nurse residency program and individual resident success. Increased cohort sizes and the lasting impact of a global pandemic to academia continued to contribute to a noticeable trend in nurse residents’ failure to progress. Failure to progress is defined as an inability to move forward during unit level orientation. Signs of failure to progress may include inability to perform new tasks or tasks previously completed, lack of interest in new opportunities, and anxiety disproportionate to the situation. This upward trend was made evident by an increase in requests for transfer to a different clinical area due to lack of confidence or concern for the resident’s ability to be successful, frequent use of the Residency Rescue Guidelines, and an increase in orientation action plans (OAPs). This provided more opportunities for facilitators and coordinators to work together to support resident success.
Residency Rescue Guidelines provide an algorithm with opportunities and support available to nurse residents in collaboration with residency coordinators, unit leadership, and human resources. OAPs are education support documents outlining SMART goals specific to hurdles the nurse resident is facing, preventing orientation progression. Along with OAPs, an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) was implemented to proactively provide support to residents struggling during orientation. Implemented during the early phase of the residency rescue algorithm, an ILP allows coordinators to collaborate with the resident, residency facilitator, and unit leadership to develop a plan tailored to meet the learning needs of the resident. The use of the Residency Rescue Guidelines, OAPs, and ILPs together prompts timely communication for residents who are at risk for failure to progress. ILPs and OAP are being leveraged for around 5% of residency cohorts, resulting in residents successfully completing orientation and being retained to the organization.
Publication Date
Innovation, Nurse Residency
Pediatric Nursing
Recommended Citation
Hesler, Jill and Shaw, Martha, "Residency Resources to the Rescue!" (2024). 2024. 26.
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