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Hiring decisions have implications for the hiring unit and the healthcare organization, including nursing retention, orientation costs, and organizational culture. Despite available literature, hiring practices, and diversity, equity, and inclusion practices are unknown within nurse residency programs. This study explores the experiences of nursing hiring managers and newly hired nurse candidates with the interview and hiring process into residency programs within the DFW metroplex.
A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted to describe the nursing manager experiences and thoughts through the hiring process and how they compare to nurse candidate’s perspective hired into an established nurse residency program. Purposive sampling identified eligible study participants using the DFW Hospital Council.
Semi-structured, virtual interviews with hiring managers and newly hired nurse candidates were conducted to gain a better understanding of the hiring process. An interview guide with open ended questions, along with probing questions to encourage the participant to elaborate on the details to achieve clarity and stay close to the lived experience, guided the interviews. Sampling continued until thematic saturation with no new themes emerging in the interviews.
Transcripts from nurse candidates and nurse managers were documented on the word document. Each transcript was read multiple times by at least two members of the research team. Key ideas and codes were identified from each transcript. Mutual consensus on codes was periodically conducted to ensure all members of the research team agreed on the identified codes. Similar codes were grouped into broader themes.
Two themes developed from the data of nurse candidates. Theme 1 was “Process of Hiring” and theme 2 was “Experiences, Assumptions, and Biases”. The first theme “Process of Hiring” entails two categories (I) “Organization and Specialty-Based Differences” and “Interview Format and Structure”. Theme 2 emerged from nurse candidate interviews “Experiences, Assumptions, and Biases” entails two categories, “Program Tenure and Overall Experience” and “Perceptions of Receiving Job Offer” mentions views of nurse candidates on factors influencing getting a job offer including educational organizations, clinical experience, work history, passion for working, etc.
Two themes developed from the data of nurse managers. Theme 1 was “Hiring Process and Role of Manager” and theme 2 was “Hiring Biases and Ways to Reduce it”. The first theme “Hiring Process and Role of Manager” entails two categories “Screening and Selection” and “Interview Structure and Format.” Theme two “Hiring Biases and Ways to Reduce it” caters to three categories: “Factors Impacting Hiring, ” “Source of Bias,” and “Strategies to Limit Bias.”

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Children's Health


Pediatric Nursing

Nurse Manager Hiring Practices and the Experience of New Graduate Nurses



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