Content Posted in 2024
10 Tips for Parents of Picky Eaters,
12 Month Milestones, CDC
2 Month Milestones, CDC
4 Month Milestones, CDC
5 Pasos para el Desarrollo Mental Saque y Volea, Center on the Developing Child
6 Month Milestones, CDC
9 Month Milestones, CDC
ACTing with TLC Splint, Jade Deckard, Karen Esquivel, and Adriana Guerre
Active Play, National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness
Addressing barriers to interpretation for Spanish-speaking families, Audrey Reyes, Bailey White, Matthew Zeringue, and Marianna Cortes
Addressing the Health of Children in Foster Care, The Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence
Administration of Naxitamab in High-Risk Neuroblastoma Patients to Manage Adverse Reactions, Lauren Brown, Nikki Marshall, and Diamond Wright
After Discharge Call Management Utilizing a Centralized Call Hub, Susan Webber and Ann Gosdin
Ages and Stages: Birth to 5 Years, Child Development Institute
Alergias a Alimentos, HealthySteps
All About Comfort!, Carlee Hoover, Katherine Jaseckas, and Shelby Little
Alternating Antibiotics in Multiple Lumen Central Lines: Best Practice, Jade Laird, Jazmin Schaefbauer, Brooke Shirley, and Morgan Whiting
A Methodical and Multidisciplinary Approach to Reducing Unplanned Extubationin a LevelIV NICU, Rebecca Palmer, Ashley Reed, Reed Graham, Nimrod Otieno, Veronica Contreras, Jeanne Gaines, Jerithea Tidwell, Alice Figueroa, Travis Reynolds, Syed Ahmed, Sushmita Yallapragada, and Sushmita Yallapragada
April 2024, Forest Melton, Jennifer Clark, and Stormee Williams
Are ER parents IN on what INFILTRATION means?, Ashley Lee, Andrew Taylor, and Carley Torres
A Standardized Approach to Emergency Medical Services Check-in and Assessment, Caroline Howell, Connor Wright, Julia Way, Margaret Mitchell, Sara Robinson, and ShaQuerra Sneed
A Standardized Approach to Enhance Communication and Collaboration Between Bedside Nurses and Medical Residents, Nikki Marshall and Misty Daugherty
A Transformative Leadership Approach to Reducing Nursing Turnover in a Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Deniro Brown, Lindsey Daigle, Brandi Brown, Julia Gerstmann, Emily Hernandez, Delaney O’Brien, Casey Conrad, Christina Whittington, Lindsey Wren, and Gustavo Barbero
August 2024, Forest Melton, Jennifer Clark, and Stormee Williams
Autorregulacion, HealthySteps
Baby Bathing: Utilizing Swaddle Sponge Bathing to Promote Hemodynamic Stability in Heart Center Infants, Samantha Selman, Bailey Alexander, Caroline Moock, Maryam Montazeri, Danielle Nichols, Lauren Prather, Adyssen Taylor, and Kassandra Moreno
Baby-Led Play, Healthy Steps
Babyproofing, Healthy Steps
Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play,
Bath Time, Healthy Steps
Becoming a Smoke Free OR: The Benefits of Proper Smoke Evacuation., Christopher Brown, Leslie Manzanarez, Schennel Naidoo, Shaquala Thomas, Kayleigh Wheeler, and Harli Wilbanks
Bedtime for Toddlers, Healthy Steps
“Bee the Change” Building a Culture of Peer-to-Peer Recognition in the Emergency Room, Virginia Elizondo, Amber Albiar, and Georgina Hernandez
Before You Stick, Know the Tricks!, Quinlan Duncan, Samantha Entwisle, Destiny Nwoko, and Ashley Rich
Best Dressed Tubes, Luciano Ayala, Olivia Crispell, and Bryn Simmons
Best Practice Recommendations to Reduce Accidental G-Button/Tube Dislodgements, Julia Reyes, Lissa Galvan, Nicholas Poulides, Pinki Gracy, and Prekshya Gautam
Biometrics in Patient Identification, Meghan Blubaugh, Kaitlyn Ceasar, Elizabeth Nguyen, Sadie Scanlan, Megan Trujillo, and Daniel Valadez
BLOCK THE BARF: Using a validated scale to measure nausea., Jane Choe and Lauren Maloy
Blood draws through a PIV in the ICU, Maribel Molina, Melissa Barrett, and Kaitlyn Cavanagh
Building a Boat in the Harbor, Not in the Middle of the Storm Standardizing Caregiver Behavioral Expectations, Caeli Page, Kate Greene, Savannah Hughes, Ester Casco, Lauren Zammit, Daisy Elliott, Shay Howard, and Courtney Vincent
Bundle Up for UE Prevention, Mikaela Potaracke, Bre Showers, Nia Traylor, and Duy Lu
Can Non-Pharmacological Interventions Reduce Postoperative Pain?, Janelle Santiago, Adam Martinez, Anna Murray, Alexis Pasley, Savannah DeFeo, Maria Escamilla, and Lainey Quandt
Car and Car Seat Safety, Healthy Steps
Caregiver Grief and Loss, DiTallianna Patterson, LCSW
Caring for Manes: Creating Diverse Hair Care Guidelines for a Large Pediatric Hospital, Jeri Tidwell, Tiffany Montgomery, Phyllis Carter-Riles, Victoria Washington, Kym Lanehart, and Jesse Leos
Caring for Mixed Age Groups, Sesame Street Workshop
Caring for Substance-Exposed Infants: Development, The Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence
Caring for Substance-Exposed Infants: Fact Sheet, The Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence
Caring for Substance Exposed Infants: Tips for Eating and Sleeping, The Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence
CEASE the Alarms: A Nurse-Led Bundled Approach to Alarm Management, Annie Tolliver
Challenging Behavior, Healthy Steps
Charting By Exception in the PICU, Grace Gideon, Thao Trinh, zoe Dwelle, Alena Bennett, Ginger Young, Katie Clark, and Kendel Richards
CHG foam vs. CHG wipes, Holley Caldwell, Caitlyn Gilbert, Shayla Mitchell, and Edith Rojas
Child Care, Zero to Three
Child Trafficking: The Identification and Intervention of Pediatric Trafficked Victims in the Emergency Room, Terra Holland
Child Welfare Trauma Training ToolKit, The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Choosing a Baby Formula, HealthyChildren.Org
Choosing a Child Care Center, ChildCare.Gov
Choosing Safe Places for Early Care and Education, ATSDR
Clinical Therapist, Carly Scudder, LPC
Clinical Therapist and Healthy Steps Specialist, Kathryn Dumond, M.Ed., LPC-S, RPT-S
Closing the Gap for Psychiatric Resource Nurse Orientation, Kelly Bonilla, Madison McQueen, Cornelius Metili, and Annietra Udoh
Cognitive and Verbal Skills Needed for Toilet Training,
Collaboration Between Healthcare and Child Welfare, Jill McLeigh, PhD and Erinne Conner, LMSW
Collaboration is Key: Engaging a Multidisciplinary and Multi-Departmental Team to Create Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) within a Level IV NICU, Rebecca Palmer, Sushmita Yallapragada, Jeanne Gaines, Jerithea Tidwell, Kymeyone Lanehart, and Charmaine Shaw
Community Development Manager, Erinne Conner, LMSW
Como Alimentar a su Nino Pequeno, HealthySteps
Como Aprender a Usar el Bano, HealthySteps
Como crear rutinas diarias, HealthySteps
Como Fijar Limites, HealthySteps
Como Hablar con los Ninos Pequenos Sobre la Enfermedad y la Muerte, HealthySteps
Como hacer que su nino pequeno tome la medicina, HealthySteps
Como Manejar los Miedos del Nino Pequeno, HealthySteps
Como Manejar los Miedos del Nino Pequeno, HealthySteps
Compartir, HealthySteps
Comportamiento Problematico, HealthySteps
Creating Daily Routines, HealthySteps
Cuando el Recien Nacido Llora, HealthySteps
Cuando Llamar al Medico, HealthySteps
Cuando los ninos pequenos mienten, HealthySteps
Cuando su Hijo Dice "No", HealthySteps
Cuidado Infantil, HealthySteps
December 2023, Forest Melton, Jennifer Clark, and Stormee Williams
Decreasing the Risk: Early Discontinuation of UrinaryCatheters Through Nurse Led Removal Program, Valerie Tidwell, Victoria Washington, and Ginger Young
Determining the Fidelity of a Line Labeler in the PICU, Chaehyun (Michelle) Ahn, Devin Daniel, Natalie Ensey, and Ssisly Garcia
Development of ECLS Transport Checklist, Laura Hatton, Lakshmi Raman, Donna Taylor, and Margarita Ramos
Dietary management of a 7-year-old boy with S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAH) deficiency, Page Meachum and Garrett Gotway
Director of Policy, Advocacy and Research, Jill McLeigh, PhD
Discharge Planning & Nutrition Monitoring for Single-Ventricle Patients During the Interstage Period, Sarah Dundas and Brooke Kealey
Disparities in Patient Family Social Determinants of Health in a Large Urban Pediatric Health System, Stormee Williams, Kristina Hill, M. Sunil Mathew, and Sarah Messiah
Do you see what I see? Feasibility of Delirium Screening by Pediatric Therapists, Margaret Scholl, David Wittkower, and Satori Gatling
Driving Team Member Engagement Through Competition, Kendel Richards and Leslie Huntington
Early Childhood Clinical Therapist and Healthy Steps Specialist, Carrie Moore, LCSW-S
Early Childhood Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Guide, Texas Education Agency (TEA) and Texas Transition
Early Intervention, HealthySteps
Education Surrounding Tonsillectomy Care to Decrease Emergency Department Visits: A Quality Improvement Study, Emily Carsey, Ashley Sewell, Jordan Gamboa, and Carol Howe
Effects of Chlorhexidine Bathing in Addition to Soap and Water Baths on Infection Rates in Plano PICU and ACS, Anabel Olivia, Cameron Miller, Emily Haig, and Marilyn Medrano-Lopez
Effects of Weighted Blanket Use on Comfort Levels in the Inpatient Pediatric Population, Madelym Talbert, Kristen Bowen, Bianca Maughmer, Gisselle Garza, Alyssa Carrizales, Graciela Gutierrez, Halle Kliemann, and Katelyn Dickerson
Electronic Documentation: need to standardize “charting by exception”, Michel’la Adams, Rochelle Henderson, Toi James, Jasmine Ramirez, and Elijah Rodriguez
El Lenguaje del Nino Pequeno, HealthySteps
Emergent Medication Labels in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Christine Hajovsky
Emotional Growth Needed for Toilet Training,
Empowering Kinship Caregivers in Texas, The Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence
Empowering Youth Aging Out of Foster Care, Kimberly Stone, MD, MPH, FAAP; Amy Six-Means, MLIS; Elizabeth Cruz, MSW; and Madeline Reedy, MA
Endocrine Excellence: A Quality Project For Monitoring Nurse Adherence to Guidelines in After-Hours Triage of Pediatric Patients with Diabetes, Laurie Smith, Tamara Siegmund, and Linda Jackson
End-of-Life Collaborative, Christina Reyna, Hope Bolstrom, and Hailee Scoggins
Enhancing Parental Confidence in Managing Care of Medically Complex Children, Amber Almond, Ruth Clason, Madilyn Burress, and Grace Carriger
Essential Oils for Alternative Pain Therapy, Joy Debinski, Alex Garay, and Dalia Albanna
Evaluating nurse perception of Continuous Glucometer Monitoring (CGM) use at the bedside, Valeria De La Torre, Shantia Henderson, Savannah Kenvin, Hannah Lee, Faith Van Haaster, and Jordan White
Evaluation of Supplemental Oxygen Use in the Acute Care Cardiology Unit and Opportunities for Standardizing Practice, Melanie Walsh, Alexandra Birely, Sarah Mahmalji, and Sonali S. Patel
Examining the Efficacy of Virtual Reality Distraction Therapy, Madeline Rullman, Skylar Silvia, and Tomas Monsalvo
Exploration of Central Venous Catheter Protective Devices in the Pediatric Population: A Mixed Methods Study, Lindsey Flores Flores, Quineka Smith, Maria Leal, and Melissa Ruffini
Exploration of Decedent Care Practices Among Pediatric Hospitals in the United States, Mayra Garcia, Kim McCarthy, Kiele Samuel, Kathleen Ellis, Lisa Jones, Joe Don Cavender, Ryan Campbell, Chelsea Reynolds, Jesse Leos, and Paulin Chen
Exploring Child Anxiety and Family Satisfaction in thePre Anesthesia Clinic, Ann Johnson, Bonita Conley, and Brenda Fields
Exploring Nurse Beliefs and Perceived Readiness for System-Wide Integration of Evidence-Based Practice in a Large Pediatric Health Care System, Lindsey Patton, Mayra Garcia, Virginia Young, and Jerithea Tidwell
Exploring Parent/Child Peri-Anesthesia Anxiety and Anesthesia Effects on Children, Ann Johnson, Alejandra Lozano, and Pauline Chen
Fall Prevention Strategies in a Pediatric Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, Bailey Cochrum
February 2024, Forest Melton, Jennifer Clark, and Stormee Williams
Foster Care & Student Success: Texas systems working together to transform education outcomes of students in foster care, Texas Education Agency (TEA), Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), and Texas Children's Commission
Fostering Health: Cross-Systems Collaboration in the Care of Children with Prenatal Drug Exposure, Hilda Loria, MD, MPH, FAAP; Valerie Smith, MD; Cecilia Lazcano; and Daniel Donalson
From Identification to Action: Nurses Respond to Human Trafficking, Misty Daugherty, Jill Hanks, Alison Kell, Annie Tolliver, Katie Fields, and Lily Velez
Getting Moving and Learning to Crawl, HealthySteps
Got Questions? Call us: Utilizing Telephone Triage to Help Pediatric Patients After Discharge, Susan Webber and Ann Gosdin
Hard Stick? Using Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Venous Access as a First-Time Option in Peripheral IV Placement, Ashlynn Jones, Abigail Naifeh, Molly Porter, Alexyss Rel, and Dezarey Segura
Head, Shoulders, Heels and TOES: Are toes an appropriate option for capillary blood sampling, Camille Chicoine, Nina De Leon, Ahley Diaz, Roe Ronia Eminikhah, Laisha Killian, Brianna Leal, Adalie Lepoire, Genesia Rivera, and Genesis Rivera
Health Literacy: Keeping the Caregivers in Mind, Aysia Jones, Katie Lemmon, Antonette Rivera, and Jaylan Shepeard
Heat Check: Comparing Temporal and Axillary Temperatures, Carmen Tobias, Brissa Campos, Lana Nowar, Bailee Troyer- Womack, Oluwatimilehin Tope-Ojo, Montserrat Meza, Stephanie Delarosa, and Michelle Amoah
High reliability pediatric heart centers: Always working toward getting better, Andrea Torzone and Alexandra Birely
Hold Up! Encouraging Safe Holding to Enhance Neurodevelopment in the Heart Center, Madeline Wittmann, Melissa Nunez, Taylor Marovich, and Quynh Pham
Homebound: The Road to Faster and Safer Discharges, Olivia Crum, Alexcia Davis, Lily Lawrence, Mi Min Lee, Brianna Lipovetsky, Christina Mata, Catalina Rodriguez, Georgia Straub, and Olivia Waldroup
How a Crew of Experts Can Pave the Road to Quality Improvement inPreventing Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections, Ginny Leinweber, Angie Morris, and Kendra Shotts-Fraser
How Often and How Much Should Your Baby Eat?,
How PICU/TICU Nurses Can Innovate PIV ACT Barriers, Samrah Jankowiak, Temitayo Ahmed, Mckenzie Bentley, Johnathan Flippo, Hannah Arendt, Gianna Cervantes, and Haley Cheshier
How's Your Baby? Developmental Checklist, Texas HHS
How to Calm a Fussy Baby,
How to Get Your Child to Eat More Fruits and Veggies,
Hyperemesis Gravidarum leading to Thiamine Deficiency and Infantile Hypotonia, Christina Sanchez, Lauren Lazar, Michele Alkalay, and Kelsie Matthews
“I can take this!” Medication Regimen Adherence while Transitioning to Adult Care, Cameron Fautheree,; Alexa Maldonado; Tamera Luster; Leslie Mendoza; and Jordan Mosley
Identification of Preceptor Best Practices, Reese Daley, Kenedy Darland, Ashley Harper, Carlie Hunter, Kayla Lee, Alex Marshall, Sara Myers, Savan Nguyen, Erin Shaffer, and Ariel Winchester
Identifying Barriers to Early Antibiotic Administration for Febrile Pediatric Sickle Cell Patients in the ED, Grace Colts-Tegg, Katelin Funderburg, and Gwen Hawthorne
Identifying Distractions During Medication Preparation and Administration Process, Hannah Artcher, Mariah Carlin, Victoria Daigle, Hannah Gentry, Courtney Hammit, Alexandria Hodges, Asia Wilson, and Caroline Wilson
Implementation Strategies to Increase Adoption of Health Literacy Practices in an Ambulatory Clinic Setting, Jordan Gamboa, Penny Williams, and Carol Howe
Implementing Social Determinants of Health Data Collection in a Large Urban Pediatric Hospital Setting, Stormee Williams, Kristina Hill, Barry Owen, and Forest Melton
Implementing Standardized Intravenous Medication Line Labeling to Prevent Errors, Bailey Cochrum
Importance of Therapeutic Communication between Peers within the Intra-Operative Environment., Kyndall Burdine, Elizabeth Hernandez, and Katherine Wangler
Improving Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Rates ofPediatric Patients Through Standardization of Catheter Care, Shelby Beyers, Jenna Buys, and Hayden Dutton
Improving Communication with Patient Passports, Terrie-Lynne Hundley, Alexandra Schreiber, Tiffany Dang, Breezy Escamilla Herrera, Samantha Le, Elizabeth Vincent, Surabhi Lamsal, Bianca Hernandez, and Andrea Robinson
Improving Patient Safety by Predicting Early Deterioration in thePediatric Pulmonary Population, Christina Smith, Lindsey Patton, and Peng Chen
Improving Patient Safety Through Increased Awareness of Alarm Fatigue D9 Pulmonology & Our Children’s House, Alli McDaniel, Marissa Reyes, and Nabat Sheriff
Improving Pediatric Healthcare Workers Personal Safety Through the Implementation of a Behavioral Rapid Response Team, Jennifer Brown and Diana Montoya
Improving Sepsis Response, Awareness, and Engagement in the Emergency Department, Virginia Elizondo, Nicole Bizzack, Amber Dayton, Angie Rodick, Ashley Collins, Georgina Hernandez, and Amber Albiar
Improving Sleep in the Pediatric Inpatient Population, Courtney Brooks, Julie Fraustro, Brooke Martin, Sydney McWilliam, Samantha Ortiz Rios, Lesly Reveles, and Claire Zempel
Improving the Lactation Journey: Empowering Moms’ Utilization of Breast Milk From Admission to Discharge in a Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Rebecca Palmer, Jerithea Tidwell, Traci Hankins, Sharetha Hollier, Nicole Jenkins, Dawn Schindler, and Jeanne Gaines
Incorporating the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System Third Edition(ABAS-3) to Follow Cognitive and Developmental Milestones of Patients after ECLS, Laura Hatton, Erin Tresselt, and Ricardo Merano
In Pediatric ER Nurses, How Does A Visual Reminder in EPIC Impact Pain Reassessment?, Addison Davis, Carleigh Carleigh, Francisco Cortez, Trinity Bell, and Vanda McAdoo
Integrated Therapy Unit Home Medication Storage Process, Yolanda Dario, Ayehubirhan Shenkute, and Christina Smith
Ironing Out the Details: Early Detection and Treatment of Iron Deficiency in a Level 4 NICU, Rachel Mills
Ironing Out the Details: Early Detection and Treatment of Iron Deficiency in a Level 4 NICU, Rachel Mills
IR Unplanned Line Removals, Toni Haynes
"Is This Normal?": Considerations in Assessing the Social Emotional Health of Infants and Young Children, Hilda Loria, MD, MPH, FAAP
July 2024, Forest Melton, Jennifer Clark, and Stormee Williams
Keeping the Trach Safe: Development and Validation of a Risk Assessment Scale, Rebecca Brooks, Danielle Walker, Stephen Chorney, and Christina Smith
L.A.P.S. NOT APPS: Evaluating the Use of Electronic Devices in a Level 4 NICU, Madyson Roehrig, Karen Barajas, and Priscilla Aponte
Lead Psychologist, Kristin Scott, PhD
Let's Help: A Guide for Grown-Ups Helping Children Through the Toughest Times, Sesame Street in Communities
Let's Talk About Feelings, ChildCare Aware of America
Limb Alert: Increasing Staff Awareness and Communication, James Waldie, Azeezat Fabian, Fafa Apedo, and Jessica Kovacs
Limit Setting, Healthy Steps
Little Lungs, Big Care: Prevent Unplanned Extubation, Leslie Huntington, Emily Jordan Ressman, and Carmen Yearego
Long Term Effects of Sexual Abuse, Kathryn Dumond, M.Ed., LPC-S, RPT-S
Maintaining a QI Process to Decrease Time to Antibiotics in At-Risk Populations in the Emergency Department, Virginia Elizondo, Nicole Bizzack, and Amber Dayton
Make the Most of Playtime, The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Management of Failure to Thrive in an Infant with Unrepaired Congenital Heart Disease: A Case Study on Energy and Nutrient Dense Formula, Alexandra Birely and Sarah Dundas
Managing Toddler Fears, Healthy Steps
Media and Mindfulness: Navigating Digital Landscapes with Children and their Families, Sesame Street Workshop
Midline Catheter Implementation: Expanding Vascular Access Options in a Level IV NICU to Decrease Vascular Injury, Kymeyone Lanehart, Rebecca Palmer, Jeri Tidwell, Sushmita Yallapragada, Courtney Campbell, Lebanon David, and Katie Doerge
Mindful Cleanliness: Resetting Expectations for Environmental and Personal Hygiene to Reduce the CLABSI Rate in a Level IV NICU, Rebecca Palmer, Kymeyone Lanehart, Jerithea Tidwell, Sushmita Yallapragada, Jeanne Gaines, and Courtney Campbell
Minimizing Triggers, Bailey Havis, Ashley Miller, and Jorge Zamarripa
Mitigating the Meal Table: Strategies to Help Your Picky Eater, Shivani Misra, MD
My Traumatized Child Needs Therapy...Now What?, Kathryn Dumond, M.Ed., LPC-S, RPT-S and Hallie Brady, MA, LPC
Nasopharyngeal Suctioning, Sydney Cameron, Nicole David, Carina Arias, Amanda Goins, Amanda Bebermeyer, Jeremy Hess, Kaitlyn Hankins, and Lauren Gambino
Nasotracheal Intubations in the CVICU, Erin Pye, Jo Meyer, Caroline van den Berg, and Jacquella Thomas
Neurogenic Bowel in Pediatric Patients with Spinal Cord Injury, Ayehubirhan Shenkute, Dawn Penner, and Dulce Igle
New Approach to Professional Governance in Ambulatory, Brittney Saldierna, Katelyn Tinkey, and Diana Sarmiento
Newborn Crying, Zero to Three
NICU Team Nursing Model: Purposeful Collaborative for Positive Outcomes, Kymeyone Lanehart, Rebecca Palmer, Jerithea Tidwell, Lisa Mason, Sharica Whitten, Katie Doerge, and Sushmita Yallapragada
Nightmares and Night Terrors, Healthy Steps
No Pressure! – Getting to Zero Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries on Extracorporeal Life Support Patients, Donna Taylor, Kris Noel, and Leslie Huntington
Normalcy Matters: A guide to supporting children and youth in Texas foster care, Texas CASA
Norovirus Outbreaks in a Pediatric Hospital: Lessons Learned, Idaresit Umoh, Bethany Phillips, and Michael Sebert
November 2023, Forest Melton, Jennifer Clark, and Stormee Williams
NUM It! Improving Patient Pain and Anxiety During Needle Sticks, Diamond Brown, Cynthia Cadena, and Alyssa Dam
Nurse: Are you in Pain? Patient: (No answer), Katie McLaurin
Nurse Manager Hiring Practices and the Experience of New Graduate Nurses, Tiffany Montgomery and Zara Sajwani-Merchant
Nurse Practitioner, Sara Moore, DNP, APRN, PPCNP-BC, CPNP-AC, NNP, EBP-C
Nursing Annual Report, Children's Health System of Texas
Nursing Annual Report, System of Texas Children's Health
Nursing Annual Report, Children's Health System of Texas
Nurturing Development: 0 to 2 Months, Zero to Three and American Academy of Pediatrics
Nurturing Development: 2 to 6 Months, Zero to Three and American Academy of Pediatrics
Nurturing Development: 6 to 9 Months, Zero to Three and American Academy of Pediatrics
Nurturing Development: 9 to 12 Months, Zero to Three and American Academy of Pediatrics
Obesity Severity Among Adolescents Presenting for Initial Evaluation to an Adolescent Weight Loss Surgery Program, Maria Cuccia, Alicia Wheelington, Hallie Kaplan, Grayce O'Neil, Sarah Barlow, and Faisal Qureshi
October 2023, Forest Melton, Jennifer Clark, and Stormee Williams
Once The Antibiotic Stops, The Blood Pressure May Drop, Hannah Downey, Hayden Jacobs, Lynnsi Cole, Nicole Matzke, and Rylee Freeman
Optimized Pain Management Protocol for Pediatric Needlestick Procedures: Boosting Team Coordination and Pain Relief, Dhanu N. Bhandari
Optimizing Discharges for the Technology-Dependent Pediatric Population, Christina Reyna, Christina Smith, and Rebecca Barr
Owning your Practice through Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) - Transformational Leadership Strategies that Create the Foundation for EBP Enculturation, Sara Moore, Kathleen Ellis, Zara Sajwani-Merchant, and Lindsey Patton
Parent Child Interaction Therapy, Kathryn Dumond, M.Ed., LPC-S, RPT-S and Carly Scudder, MS, LPC
PARTNERING UP TO PREVENT PEDIATRIC PERIPHERAL INTRAVENOUS INFILTRATION, Melissa Ruffini, Ashlyn Coenraad, Rachael Burris-Alcala, Victoria Washington, Emily Jordan Ressman, and Alexandra Birely
Partnering Up to Prevent PIVIEs, Arzu Dhanani, Brianah Lopez, Daisy Orona, Elyse Neff, Isabella Franco, Lindsey Blevins, Nikita Adarkwah, and Tame’ya Cordova
Patient and Family Education: Empowering Families and Improving Care, Amanda Mercado and Rebecca Barr
Pediatrician, Gunjan Singh, MD
Pediatrician and Medical Director, Hilda Loria, MD, MPH, FAAP
Peripheral IV Infiltration, Madison Goldman, Betty Nguyen, Jessica Davault, Ashleigh Moore, and Bayland Moore
PICU Team Member Innovative Support PlanIntentional caring practices to mitigate moral distress, secondary trauma, andburnout in the Intensive Care Unit., Ginny Leinweber, Kendel Richards, and Jessica Roumillat
Positive Parenting Tips for Health Child Development 0-1 year, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
Post COVID Blues: Exploring the Modified Needs of New Graduate RNs in a Post COVID Era, Evelyn Addo, Rhianna Brard, Swathy Nair, Haley Rausch, and Elizabeth Rodriguez
Postoperative 30-Day National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Follow-Up, Karisa Price and Kristin Rahman
Powered by Momma: Implementing Expressed Breast Milk for Oral Immunotherapy in a Level IV NICU, Whitney Anderson, Haneen Elsharif, Nicole Fletcher, and Brooke Prince
Power Struggles, Dylan Cavazos
Preliminary results of the Health Literacy CARE study: Implementation of Health Literacy Practices in a Pediatric ENT clinic, Carol Howe, Emily Carsey, and Ashley Sewell
Preparation with purpose: Child life involvement in the MRI process, Keeley Machen and Michah Stipp
Preventing Patient Deterioration by Creating a Reassessment and Escalation Process for the ED Waiting Room, Virginia Elizondo, Amanda Caipo, and Cory Carlos
Prevention is the Only Way, Don't Let a Fall Ruin Your Day, Grace Wichmann, Sagen Williams, DeAnna Fleeman, Lauren Kinner, and Caroline Honza
Promoting Patient Safety using Virtual Safety Huddles, Rachael Burris-Alcala, Julie Baker, and Ann Gosdin
Put me in coach The Benefits Of Establishing A Dedicated CVL Access Team To Improve Patient Safety And Nurse Satisfaction, Mae Selassie, Janie Alberto, and Diamond Wright
Que estas senalando bebe?, HealthySteps
Reading and Playing with Your Young Child: Fun Ways to Play and Engage at Home, Kimberly Stone, MD, MPH, FAAP and Kathryn Dumond, M.Ed, LPC-S, RPT-S
Reading: Good for the Brain, Good for the Heart, Courtney Campbell, Serena Clark, Katelyn Farley, Jadyn Hendricks, and Micaela Lyons
Ready, Set, CODE! Investigating the Use of Two Standardized Resuscitation Algorithms to Improve Outcomes in Patients in a Level 4 NICU, Lauren Ayala, Grace Farina, Shelby Hudson, Anna Nguyen, Mireya Ortiz, and Luke Wuesthoff
Ready, Set, CODE!Investigating the Use of Two Standardized Resuscitation Algorithms to Improve Outcomes in Patients in a Level 4 NICU., Lauren Ayala, Grace Farina, Shelby Hudson, Anna Nguyen, Mireya Ortiz, and Luke Wuesthoff
Reducing Alarm Fatigue at ACS Plano, Annemarie Carranza, Avery Mihalski, Brianna Holland, and Liliana Marquez-Ocampo
Reducing Falls in the Pediatric Acute Care Setting, Ashley Aviles, Neida Ochoa Calderon, Rachel Cash, Natalie Childress, Ashley Crain, and Samantha Cunada
Reducing the Burden of Tracking Age of Majority (AOM) Research Participant Consents, Beena Pappen, Lindsay Therrian, and Bobby Lawrence
Reduction of Hemolyzed Lab Specimens: Does Venipuncture or Heel/Finger Stick Result in More Hemolyzed Labs?, Peyton Hasse and Megan O’Sullivan
Reduction of Repeat Lab Specimens: Does Venipuncture via PIV or Venous Straight Stick Result in More Hemolyzed Labs in the Pediatric Population?, Macie Bailey, Ayanna Brown-Gomez, Ariana Dreps, and Kristina McClellan
Rees-Jones Center Program Overview, Elizabeth Cruz, MSW and Rachel Quarles, MSW
Research and Tips on Helping Baby Sleep, Healthy Steps
Residency Resources to the Rescue!, Jill Hesler and Martha Shaw
Responding to Your Baby's Cries,
Review of Utilizing the Brøset Violence Checklist in Early Identification and Prevention of Aggressive Patient Behavior, Aniza Cabrales-Rios, Brianne Clinton, Jarrod Feight, Mayrelin Reyes-Basilio, and Jessica Vega
Rise of the New Grad: Early Engagement of New Graduate Nurses in Professional Governance, Annie Tolliver and Katie Fields
RN Perception of Ease During Pediatric Capillary Blood Draws, Cierra Davis, Rachel Santinover, Maria Soria, Amber Waldron, and Tarayja White
Roads to Resilience, Sesame Street Workshop
Safety and Injury Prevention, The National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness
Self-Regulation, Healthy Steps
Sex Education: Educating our Educators, Kristen DeLeon, Alexia Felix, and Yildiz Songur
Sharing, Healthy Steps
Sharing Is Caring: Decreasing Caregiver Stress for Pediatric Patients Undergoing Inpatient Surgery through Visual Communication, Abigail Holman, Jaime Kilmer, and Brandon Shipley
Shining a Light on Autism Interventions During a Long-Term Medical Hospitalization: A Case Study, Janna Berg, Jill Hanks, and Tera Holland
Skin Safety Duo: Partnered Assessments for Pressure Injury Prevention, Ana Soto Barrios, Katie Winn, and Ceila Hernandez
Sleep Hygiene in the Hospitalized Pediatric Patient, Alyce Morales, Audrey McKee, Charlotte Owen, Elexia Buchanan, and John Kim
Sleep Well, Stay Well. Creating a Sleep Menu for Pediatric Patients., Torie Hastings, Maria Hernandez, Andrika Rodriguez, Madelyne Miley, and Dana Grubbs
Sound-based Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Auditory Sensory Over-Responsivity: A Case Series, Suzanne Vercontaire, Caitlin Deville, and Kassie Misse;;
Squashing Superbugs: Using Procalcitonin Levels toIdentify Bacterial Infections to Direct Antibiotic Therapy, Janna Berg, Tera Holland, and Krista Westbrook
Standardization of Adult Transition Across Ambulatory, Virginia Vecchio and Monica Fuller
Standardized CHG allergy testing for patients with CVLs to increase compliance with all CLABSI bundle elements, Adriana Vidal, Anna Tran, and Sydney Casey
Standardized Labeling of IV Infusions to Decrease Medication Errors and Increasing Nurse Workflow Efficiency, Tayyiba Shaik, Vikltoria Gudmundsson, Skyelar Hester, and Veronica Pacheco
Standardizing Access Parameters for Vasoactive Infusions, Leslie Huntington, Emily Jordan Ressman, and Meredith DeCoy
Standardizing Best Practices of Orthostatic Vital Signs, Allison Bui, Colin Blackmon, Erian Brown, and Shaqueta Iwuji
Standardizing Orthostatic Vital Signs to Align with Best Practices, Allison Bui, Colin Blackmon, and Erian Brown
Standard Use of VALGuard to Prevent Central Line Infections, Amour Alier, Nolan Gaines, Jensey Joseph, Lance Milke, Andrea Tatarevich, and Navia Uyen Vo
Starting Solid Foods,
Striking Your Inner Warrior Pose: How Yoga Affects Coping Skills In Hem/Onc Patients, Caroline Anderson, Megan Dale, Megan Keasler, Sofia Marquez, Vershundra Mcwilliams, Ritu Thapa, and Tori Vanover
Supporting Children Who Are Experiencing Stress, ChildCare Aware of America
Sustained Reduction of Pressure Injury in the Pediatric Cardiac OR, Meagan Lombardo and Andrea Torzone
Teaching Your Child About Feelings: Birth to Age 2, The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Teaching Your Child to: Identify and Express Emotions, The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Techniques to Reduce Pre-procedure Anxiety for School-Aged Children, Christine Bearden, Alejandra Falcon, Jasmine Phillips, and Mary Campbell
Temper Tantrums, Healthy Steps
The Effectiveness of Photo-Biomodulation Therapy in Oral Mucositis, Molly Amado, Kara Otts, Madeline Scott, Sophie Steffey, Katie Williams, and Evelyn Zaragoza
The Effects of “Kids Can” Child Life MRI Outreach on Safety, Quality, and Patient Experience, Kristen Johnson and Katie Grabowski
The Invisible Suitcase, Dylan Cavazos
The Time it Counts: Counting Policy in the Perioperative Setting, Lauren Kober and Kendall Williams
The Use of Storybook Implementation for Patient Education Tools, Jennifer Brown
Tight Squeeze!: The Implications of Prolonged Tourniquet Time in the Pediatric Emergency Department, Kaitlyn Beresford, Kayla Bhakta, Jared Grace, and Samantha Swift
"Time-In" y "Time-Out", HealthySteps
Timeliness of “Red Event” Reviews: Optimizing “Cardiac-Multidisciplinary Assessment of Performance” (C-MAP) Rounds with Morbidity and Mortality Review, Andrea Torzone, Glenda Moate, Linn Groom, Mary Hart, Erin Hunter-McPhan, Christa Conley, Kimberly Moore, Sarah Zoretic, Priya Bhaskar, Nicholas Andersen, Ryan Butts, and Yousef Arar
Toddler Biting, Healthy Steps
Toileting Readiness, Healthy Steps
Toilet Learning, Healthy Steps
Tracheostomy Care on Pediatric Patients, Berkeley Bearden, Cassidy Clayton, and Tara Wynee
Transitioning from Foster Care to Adulthood, The Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence
Transracial Caregiving, Kristin Scott, PhD and DiTallianna Patterson, LCSW
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children Affected by Sexual Abuse or Trauma, Child Welfare Information Gateway
Trauma-Informed Behavior Management & De-Escalation Strategies for Challenging Behaviors, Laura Lamminen, PhD and Kristin Scott, PhD
Trauma-Informed Care: Caring for Children and Families Who Have Experienced Trauma-Part 1, Kristin Scott, PhD; Carly Scudder, MS, LPC; and Gunjan Singh, MD
Trauma-Informed Care: Caring for Children and Families Who Have Experienced Trauma-Part 2, Kristin Scott, PhD; Carly Scudder, MS, LPC; and Gunjan Singh, MD
Traumatic Experiences: First Steps to Hope (Part 1), Sesame Street Workshop and Ann Thomas
Traumatic Experiences: First Steps to Hope (Part 2), Sesame Street Workshop and Ann Thomas
Trauma Treatment for Children in the Child Welfare System, The Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence
Tummy Time: Activities to Strengthen Baby,
Understanding Psychotropic Medications, Mohsin Khan, MD
Walk a Mile in Our Shoes: Bridging the Gap Between the ER and Inpatient Nursing Feedback Given, Payton Cope, Yaritza Rios, Veronica Cuffaro, Reagan Swindall, and Jasmine Cabrera
We Care about What You Think! Optimizing Patient-Family Satisfaction throughout the Heart Center, Alex Corkill, Evan Enos, Lisa Martina, Brett Roffine, Mya Thomas, and Camryn Toney
We’re Not HAPI and We Know It., Sarah Baldensperger, Kris Noel, and Emily Jordan Ressman
What is Mental Health?, National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness
Why can't I drink? A look at NPO guidelines at Children's Health, Hanna Boehm, Elizabeth Brewer, Rebekah Hockaday, and Joy Villaflor
Working with Parents Involved in the Child Welfare System, The National Child Traumatic Stress Network